Indie-Electronic Pop Duo
Album Cover & Press

Music & Fashion Photographer Jennifer Skog photographs CATHEDRALS, the indie-electronic pop duo made up of Brodie Jenkins & Johnny Hwin. Taking inspiration from their merging genre we started with an urban hip-hop vibe at Johnny's Sub Mission Art Space.  For something a little most haunted and melodic, we played around a historic Victorian mansion turned co-op.  Our time together was just pure magic. Hair & Makeup by Lindsay Skog. Behind-the-scenes photography by Shannon Paras.

Music & Fashion Photographer Jennifer Skog photographs CATHEDRALS, the indie-electronic pop duo made up of Brodie Jenkins & Johnny Hwin. Taking inspiration from their merging genre's we started with an urban hip hop vibe at Johnny's Sub Miss…
Photo Shoot of indie electronic pop duo Brodie Jenkins and Johnny Hwin of Cathedrals riffing and creating in Sub Mission Art Space shot from out the window down the fire escape.
Indie electronic duo CATHEDRALS Music Band Cover Shoot with Jennifer Skog and company in San Francisco.  Enjoy fun shadows, sexy lines, red lips, leather jackets, and moody vibes.